biogas plant

Референції / Приклад з практики


As a flexible source of electrical and thermal energy, CHP units have a wide range of applications. In addition to the various fields of deployment, they can also burn various ...більше
Референції / Приклад з практики

Utilization of bio-waste with a positive impact on the environment and the local community in Liege, Belgium

The Ochain Energie biogas plant project could serve as a model example of how cogeneration can be optimally used in agriculture. The project had to overcome a large number of ...більше
Референції / Приклад з практики

New CHP unit in Japan

At the end of May, a new TEDOM Cento 100 CHP unit was successfully commissioned in a biogas plant in the Shikoku area in ...більше

The subsidiary SCHNELL Motoren acquired a majority share in PlanET Service

SCHNELL Motoren GmbH, a member of TEDOM Group, became the majority owner of PlanET Service GmbH on 29th September ...більше
Підпишіться на розсилку
Energy Decentral
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The World Biogas Expo
10. - 11. 7. 2024
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XXX Międzynarodowe Targi Maszyn i Urządzeń dla Wodociągów i Kanalizacji WOD-KAN 2024
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Biogas Americas
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Саванна, штат Джорджія, США
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Телфорд, Велика Британія
AGRAR Unternehmertage Münster
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Мюнстер, Немці
Biogas Infotage Ulm
31. 1. - 1. 2. 2024
Ульм, Німеччина
VIII Biogas Congress
14. - 15. 12. 2023
Варшава, Польща
BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair
12. - 14. 12. 2023
Нюрнберг, Німеччина
Rebuild Ukraine 2023
14. - 15. 11. 2023
Варшава, Польща
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