natural gas


12.9 MW cogeneration plant in Poland will be completely delivered by TEDOM

On January 14, 2022, TEDOM Poland signed a contract for the "Construction of a cogeneration gas plant at Zakłady Górniczo-Hutnicze Bolesław S.A." including the delivery of a ...більше

UK Petfood Manufacturer Benefits From Energy And Cost Reductions With Quanto Series TEDOM

In 2021, despite the obstacles associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed, together with our British partner Shenton Group, to deliver a very interesting and complex ...більше
Референції / Приклад з практики

More efficient power supply to the hospital in the city of Woodstock, Canada

Hospitals are certainly a suitable place for installation of cogeneration technology. These facilities have a high consumption of electricity and at the same time, due to their ...більше

TEDOM will install 5 MW of electrical output in Poland

Our subsidiary in Poland has achieved another great success which just confirms a good position of the TEDOM brand in the Polish market. TEDOM Poland, together with its partner ...більше
Референції / Приклад з практики

Over 50 units for ENGIE Solution in France

We value the long term and successful partnership we have with Engie Solution on the French market. Recently, we commissioned the 50th CHP unit for this client since the beginning ...більше
Референції / Приклад з практики

Another Cento for ENGIE Solutions

One of the first units we put into operation at the beginning of this year was the TEDOM Cento 235 in Begles, France. We delivered this unit for our important partner and ...більше
Підпишіться на розсилку
Energy Decentral
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Ганновер, Німеччина

Tarmstedter Ausstellung
12. - 15. 7. 2024
Тармштедт, Німеччина
The World Biogas Expo
10. - 11. 7. 2024
Бірмінгем, Велика Британія
XXX Międzynarodowe Targi Maszyn i Urządzeń dla Wodociągów i Kanalizacji WOD-KAN 2024
27. - 29. 5. 2024
Бидгощ, Польща
Biogas Americas
13. - 16. 5. 2024
Саванна, штат Джорджія, США
The Distributed Energy Show
13. - 14. 3. 2024
Телфорд, Велика Британія
AGRAR Unternehmertage Münster
6. - 9. 2. 2024
Мюнстер, Немці
Biogas Infotage Ulm
31. 1. - 1. 2. 2024
Ульм, Німеччина
VIII Biogas Congress
14. - 15. 12. 2023
Варшава, Польща
BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair
12. - 14. 12. 2023
Нюрнберг, Німеччина
Rebuild Ukraine 2023
14. - 15. 11. 2023
Варшава, Польща
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