Референції / Приклад з практики
Unique installation at the Chinook Centre in Calgary – VIDEO ADDED!
On 2nd December 2016, two CHP units, Cento T200 and Cento T150, were commissioned at the Chinook Centre in Calgary, Canada department
Референції / Приклад з практики
The first 500 kW TEDOM CHP unit in Germany
By the end of 2016, the first TEDOM CHP unit of 500 kW was commissioned in
Референції / Приклад з практики
First TEDOM CHP unit with Liebherr engine in England
The electricity and heat for the leisure centre The Dome in Doncaster, England, will be supplied by the TEDOM Cento L330 CHP
Energy Decentral
Tarmstedter Ausstellung
The World Biogas Expo
XXX Międzynarodowe Targi Maszyn i Urządzeń dla Wodociągów i Kanalizacji WOD-KAN 2024
Biogas Americas
The Distributed Energy Show
AGRAR Unternehmertage Münster
Biogas Infotage Ulm
VIII Biogas Congress
BIOGAS Convention & Trade Fair
Rebuild Ukraine 2023