Over 50 units for ENGIE Solution in France

We value the long term and successful partnership we have with Engie Solution on the French market. Recently, we commissioned the 50th CHP unit for this client since the beginning of our cooperation in 2017.
Over 50 units for ENGIE Solution in France

All of the units are running on natural gas and their range is from 30 kWe to 235 kWe – MICRO and CENTO series, under the french incentive “C16”. The majority of them are operating in public or residential buildings where they provide a reliable source of heat.

The 50th CHP unit was CENTO 230 running on natural gas. It will serve as the heat source for a residential building in the city of Puteaux close to the famous La Défense, Paris’s business district.

Our German subsidiary TEDOM SCHNELL is providing the necessary service support for all 50 CHP units. We are looking forward to additional successful projects with them in the future.

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